
In foreign countries, diesel cars as a family car is a very common phenomenon, but in China, diesel cars are generally as a function of the car, very few as a family car. Therefore, the major automobile brands in the Chinese market basically will not put the diesel version of the model, unless the brand models involved in the field of function cars. Since all foreign countries use diesel cars as family cars, it proves that diesel engines are not suitable for household conditions, so the author would like to talk about those things about diesel cars.

From a technical point of view, the principle and working mode of diesel and gasoline engines are slightly different, we know more is that diesel engines rely on compression ignition and gasoline engines rely on spark plug ignition, the so-called compression ignition is no spark plug, through the application of high pressure on diesel to achieve the ignition point combustion.

Because of the high pressure of the compression stroke of the diesel engine, the power burst out of the power stroke will be very large, so diesel vehicles generally have a good start and low speed performance. But such as speed up after the power of the diesel engine will be more tired, so the power performance of diesel cars running at high speed is very general. Under the premise of the same displacement, diesel cars are more fuel efficient than gasoline cars. The reason for this is that the compression rate is higher than that of higher diesels. And the domestic price of diesel is lower than gasoline, a tank of oil is cheap and durable.

Although diesel cars have more advantages than petrol cars, few people in China will buy diesel cars as family cars, for two main reasons. On the one hand, diesel engines in Chinese people's impression are low grade, black smoke billowing, noisy pull a few, face-saving Chinese people naturally look down on diesel cars.

On the other hand, two barrels of domestic oil (whether diesel or gasoline) are substandard, diesel in the sulfur content seriously exceed the standard. The excess of this sulfide will lead to the blockage of the high-pressure fuel injector and the poisoning of the tail gas catalytic processor. The author's university professor of diesel engineering once joked that repairing the diesel engine is a simple but dirty job. When the diesel engine is broken, it is nothing more than where it is dirty and blocked.

Diesel engine black smoke billowing and noisy is actually because of the oil is not easy to provoke the trouble, on the diesel technology is undeniable that the domestic is a lot worse than the country, because the domestic diesel oil is poor, so joint venture brands are not dare to introduce the diesel engine, otherwise must be a large area of engine complaints. So when can be on a par with foreign countries, when the domestic family car began to have a diesel version of that will prove that diesel technology.

So don't think about buying a diesel-powered car as a family car in China. If you do, you will regret buying a diesel-powered car. Diesel engine is better used in the domestic construction machinery, so that you do not need to pay attention to the vibration of black smoke these problems, and the diesel engine is low torsion strength is needed by the construction machinery.


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